<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
<cantModify><false /></cantModify>
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<script>on bugglobal gCurBugStack,gBugLastIDset cursor to 4put long id of this cd into gBugLastIDif there is a fld "Other Data" thenput line 1 of fld "Other Data" into theNameelse if there is a fld "Title" thenput fld "Title" into theNameelse put short name of this cd into theNameput name of this stack into cSNameset lockmessages to truego stack "ARPL Bugs"go bg "Bugs" --of gCurBugStacksend Mouseup to bg btn "New Bug"put "Bug Reported at : card "& quote & theName & quote &" of "& cSName &¬return into fld "Description"end bug</script>